Sunday, September 14, 2014

Blog Post #4

Blog Post #4

                   What do we need to know about asking questions to be an effective teacher?


  As an educator, it's important to make sure that the students learn. Asking the student's a question such as , "Do you all understand?" is a question a teacher might ask in order to see if the class is understanding the material that is given. In the article "The Right Way to Ask Questions in the Classroom", entails that asking the question, "Do you understand?", do not necessarily get many responses. If a teacher ask a follow up question that is specific like, "How do we do that?" or "How do we know that's right?" can give the teacher more insight on if the class understands the topic or not. Also the article explains that asking a question that gives a yes or no response is also not a particular good question to ask, because the students can easily guess the correct answer.

 In the video, "Questioning Styles and Strategies" is a great video that shows different ways to see if the students understands the book "Bridge to Terabithia". He asked the students the question, "If they came across Terabithia what would they see and to write it down". This is a really great way to see if the students understand the material independently with no help. I also like the idea of him calling on a student, which the student answer the question that has been asked. After, that student call on another student to answer a question that is given from the teacher. This is also a good method to use to make sure that the students are in tune into what is going on in the classroom.

It is our job as educators to make sure that the students learn. Patience and asking the right questions are the easiest and most important ways to do so. The teaching styles that were given in all the sources that were provided are great for an educator to use to better their teaching styles.


  1. Hey Porscha, I was enjoyed your blog today. I had a new experience with this blog assignment. I never have thought about the importance of the teacher asking questions. I think too many teachers ask "do you understand?" The teacher has to ask a much deeper question so the students can think about the subject in a more deeper way. I think you question "If they came across Terabithia what would they see and write it down," is a great question to get your students thinking deeper and on the subject more. Grammatical and punctuation errors were almost perfect. I saw one. I think it was most likely a typo. Your ending quotation marks were inside of the period on the quote,"If they came across Terabithia what would they see and write it down." Great post. I learned new questions I as a teacher can ask.

  2. Great organization of your thoughts. Be sure to include link to each of the videos you are referring to. Also, the source of the photo you choose to use should be in whats called a alt/title modifier. The directions on how to add alt/title modifiers is on page 6 of the Blog Post Instructions document. Keep up the good work!
